A Swedish Northerner by blood, born in the early 90s. I am far from a writer or poet of any kind. So how I actually ended up with a blog can be questioned. On the other hand, I can plow through fiction books like butter in the sunshine.
For those who didn't manage to read it between the lines, I live in Germany. In 2022 I moved here and was on parental leave for a year before I actually moved here. Live with my German partner and we have 2 small children who can't count past their hands. We live in the north, and this of course affects both culture and general experiences of German life, etc.

I am of a quite financially mentality and also have a number of extra courses in both economics and stock market knowledge in my luggage.
My brain is almost constantly looking for ways to optimize my finances or investment opportunities. Preferably things that can provide some long-term passive income. This is also the reason why some pages and posts contain affiliate links. That being said, I would never recommend things I don't stand for. But don't see the reason not to take the opportunity and give the opportunity to earn a penny, as well as for the reader to get easier access and also a chance to, at no cost, thank you for the help. There is also the possibility to buy me a coffee if you feel that the information was good. Honestly, it should go with a beer instead of coffee, but it sounds more PC with coffee...I don't intend to be anonymous per se - considering that I send people here via links on Facebook, it would be a rather naive thought... But I also don't shout out my SVnr directly.
Not only am I a educated engineer, but I'm certainly one to the mentality as well. Am an optimizer to the ridiculous level that I would gladly spend 5 hours doing a good Excel spin on someone that takes 5 minutes to calculate and should only be recalculated 3 times (15min job becomes 5h). Because who knows? At some point in my life, I might need that spinner again! Then it must also be stylish and intuitive.
I'm probably quite cynical as a person and almost always start from the premise that people are actually idiots. I have next to no impulse control. Candy must not be readily available, then it will disappear. If a problem gets stuck in my head, I have to solve it, preferably with Excel spin. Which is perhaps the reason why I sit with a blog instead of practicing my German?..
I have a tendency to throw in puns and ridicule existing sayings. Not always good at being consistent.
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